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Welcome to The Living Word Church! We are defined by our name; and our focus and ministry is on people. The word "church" is translated from the Greek word ek-kle-si-a which means
1) an assembly or group of people or
2) a congregation.

In the New Testament, the church was never a

building, but a group of people. Today, when you refer to a church, most of the time you think about a building or a non-profit organization. We believe that the buildings exist to accommodate the people, and that the non-profit organizations are helpful in effectively serving mankind in this world. Most importantly, God has entrusted us with the anointed Word of God that brings life though the ministry of reconciliation, which is the gospel of Jesus Christ. We preach to open men's eyes, turning them from darkness unto light and from the power of Satan unto God; that they may receive forgiveness of sins and the Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance among them which are sanctified, separate and different from the world though faith that is in Christ.

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©2019 by The Living Word Church. 

4040 Troy Highway, Montgomery, AL 36116

(334) 281-9151

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